Return home to your truest Self.
Home is not a place, it’s a feeling.
This feeling we are after is the feeling of
"coming home" to our soul –to our Self.
When we raise our own vibration,
we also raise the vibration of the planet.
about soul collective
This space was created by Laura Quinn, who recognized a need for more resources and community while on the path towards cultivating a deeper relationship with our inner and outer worlds. There is no need to go through this journey unsupported and everyone needs people, tools and resources. Each of us is an eternal student, teacher and master.
We support people of all races, cultures, religions, genders, body types, and sexual orientations on their yoga journey. Inclusivity is a key ingredients in this community.
about laura quinn
Laura Quinn, founder of the Soul Collective, grew up in the world of spirit and ceremony. She has tended fire at sun-dance ceremonies, sat in temples in India and.... She did not always welcome the words of her soul and it has been through her own life journey and experiences that her passion is founded to support others as they embark on the path of the soul.
"I am here to help guide you to what has always been there, your truest most authentic Self. I feel honored to meet you."
A mother of three, a 'truth seeker' and someone who stands for those 'who stand outside the circle'. Laura has been practicing yoga for over a decade and found her home in the Kundalini tradition as a teacher. As a facilitator of circles, she feels blessed to be able to share in the creation of transformation within sacred ceremony.
Her areas of specialty include a focus toward Shuniya, in the Kundalini tradition this means the point of stillness. Laura has found that from this stillness your highest potential flows through you.
She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor KRI - 200 hr and has completed several gong courses including a certificate program for
Gong Yoga Nidra, Relaxation and Sound Healing Training with Metab Benton. She is currently studying psychotherapy and continuously taking courses and workshops to continue to expand within yoga. She feels strongly between the blend of body, mind and spirit and finding ways to support unity.