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kundalini yoga

Schedule 2024

what is kundalini yoga?

Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness and consciousness.  Through the practice of physical movement, breathwork and sound, we move energy through the body and unblock area’s that need release so that your vital energy can flow freely.  It’s one of the fastest ways to elevate yourself and ultimately help achieve union of the finite self with the infinite.  


In Sanskrit, kundal means “coiled snake.” Kundalini refers to the dormant energy that is believed to be present within each of us and coiled at the base of the spine. Kundalini energy is considered to be the ultimate life force and the source of our Shakti (divine feminine creative power) when awakened can raise our consciousness and strengthen a sense of purpose, connection and awareness.


Believe in the unbelievable and welcome the mystery of life. 


Kundalini Rebirthing

Rebirthing Kundalini Yoga workshops all have a profound transformational power and can give you powerful tools to heal pain and overcome the obstacles which keep you from living your best.  We store, contain, and maintain a lot of baggage in our subconscious, and it weighs us down, dampens our light and can minimize vitality. We have been born in this body, at this time on the planet and given the opportunity to not just be alive but ‘feel' alive and enjoy this gift of life! A daily meditation practice releases the subconscious load bit by bit but to accelerate the process, Rebirthing classes are a way to move subconscious burden toward feeling lighter, renewed and connected to your Higher Self.

The many benefits:

  • Helps to relieve stress and anxiety

  • Increases intuition, self-awareness, and self-trust 

  • Improves cognitive function 

  • Builds strength and flexibility 

  • Relaxes the nervous system so you feel a sense of ease

  • Awakens inner creativity 

  • Improves heart based conscious communication

  • Reboots your metabolism, digestive system, and glandular systems

  • Unblocks subconscious baggage weighing you down in life 

  • Promotes a feeling of joy and spirit

  • Helps you to become more aware and integrated with the soul

Group Meditation
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